About Us

Our Mission

At PARKED PRIDE, we believe that a vehicle is a powerful reflection of one's identity. Our mission is to capture and celebrate this essence through the stories of those who have achieved their automotive dreams. We aim to inspire and motivate others by demonstrating what is possible.

Our Journey

Driven by the belief that dreams should be pursued to their fullest potential, are committed to transforming our vision into reality. Our journey involves stepping out of our comfort zones, taking risks, and growing through the pursuit of our dream cars and lifestyle. We seek to connect with remarkable individuals, share our experiences, and embrace the adventure, regardless of the outcome or the changes along the way.


PARKED PRIDE is more than just a platform about car ownership; it's about the personal growth and fulfillment gained through achieving one's dreams. We believe that the true value of a dream car lies in the journey and transformation it represents.

Our Site

Based in Tauranga, New Zealand, our site, managed by Felipe Gacitua and Partner, focuses on adding value to the automotive enthusiast community through high-quality products and collaborative relationships. We prioritize collaboration over competition and aim to support other small businesses while working towards our goals of financial independence, family security, and global travel.

We are dedicated to sourcing and offering unique, high-quality automotive products and look forward to sharing our experiences and insights with our audience. Your feedback is invaluable to us as we strive to provide the best possible service. We invite you to join us on this journey and appreciate your support.

For any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out.